Our Voices

Our Church needs your voice! Join us in asking the Magisterium to grant us an Ordinary Sunday catechetical lectionary for use in every parish around the world. This initiative is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and will always be obedient to the Magisterium. Simply add your thoughts or comments on this page. Simple comment such as “I want to be taught”, or “I support this initiative” is totally acceptable. Please be sure to put down your name, parish, city, country for statistical analysis purpose. Be sure to pass this on and share it with others!

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(2533 signatures and counting)

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Anthony Deppe, Holy Trinity Parish, Lambton, NSW, Australia

This initiative is timely and most critical at this juncture in the Church's history. I give it my total support.

Lisa Tuckett, St. Michael, Snohomish, WA , USA

So many of us need to be taught. Please assist us. We are hungry for knowledge of our faith.

Stephen Cush, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mauldin, SC, USA

Catholic laity are in desperate need of genuine catechesis. It must begin with the Sunday homily.

Daniel Hartnett, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Jamison, PA, United States

While at it, how about putting into the lectionary the quotations of St. Paul (Romans 1 and other) and Leviticus on homosexuality. Most of the flock hasn't a clue as to what the scriptures say. I wouldn't be surprised if they were intentionally left out.

Jay Havlisch, St Cyril of Jerusalem , Jamison, PA, USA

Thank You and God Bless You for this most needed work!

Kenneth Brown, St. Cyril's , Jamison, United States

I support this initiative!

Maria Plier, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Ballarat, Clunes, Victoria , Australia

I wholeheartedly support this initiative. While it is our job as parents to pass on the Faith to our children, we are not getting the necessary help from the pulpit that we desperately need to re enforce what we are trying to teach them..

Carole Smith, Folkestone, Folkestone, United Kingdom

Everyone needs to be part of the Church Militant right now. The only way to do that is to know the faith inside out.

Anastasia Schiele, St. Stephen's the First Martyr FSSP, CA, United States

Thank you

Frances Sullivan, St. Anselm, Brooklyn, United States

Thank you for this important work.
